Meet The Editor

Danielle Briggs


Danielle is an active adventurer who pulls expertise from her life experiences and dreamy imagination. As a tiny tot Danielle was a playful kid who deeply enjoyed camping in her bedroom with wild imagination, writing and reading anything intriguing. She went on to pursue degrees that challenged her writing and researching skills while still piquing her interests of new ideas and stories of faraway lands, and holds degrees in History and Political Science from the Ohio State University. During her undergraduate career Danielle traveled to the land where many of her favorite stories were written, Oxford, England, to study in an undergraduate law program.

This path has led to a career that has offered her many opportunities to edit, create original content, proofread, and discover so much more of the literary world. Danielle has ventured from public sector, to non-profit, to corporate and then into a law firm. She has also had amazing opportunities to be on the editing team of two murder-mystery novels, sole editor of a young adult novel and chief writer of a science fiction novel. There is a lot of background material from where she sculpts her skill set. [r.a.w.] edit has become the natural progression and realization for Danielle’s life-long endeavor to help foster this love and correctness of the written word in the world.

After the pages have been reviewed and all sentences are perfectly placed Danielle enjoys venturing out into the wild abandon, literally. One of her favorite hobbies is discovering (carefully) abandoned structures in the forgotten corners of the world adjacent to her own. You too can discover these abandoned structures in your own mind, write about them and then send your stories to Danielle for their grand edit!


Expert in: Fiction, Non-Fiction, Professional Correspondence, Creative Spin

Want To Be An Editor?


If you’ve found yourself wondering if you can be an editor, you can. Like anything else, constant practice, passion and ambition will get you every success you desire. I’m often approached and asked how I became an editor. This is a deep passion for me.

If you feel that same drive to make each encountered writer a better version then let’s chat. From time-to-time [r.a.w.] has opportunities for editors to dive in and practice their editing skills. Look below. What is that!? You guessed it, a way to contact me. Go ahead, you know you’re chomping at the bit.


Be expert in: Chicago and AP styles, Openness, Quirks, Your Own Unique Flavor


letter to the editors
Please do not hesitate to contact our Editor with any questions regarding [r.a.w.] edit or the website.