

Focuses on checking for grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors, as well as, reviewing for incorrect use of regional English. This is a great option to ensure that your work is finalized.

3-5 Days

${{proofreading.prices.standard.base}} per page 1-49 pages

${{proofreading.prices.standard.bulk}} per page 50+ pages

24 Hours

${{proofreading.prices.rapid.base}} per page 1-25 pages

${{proofreading.prices.rapid.bulk}} per page 26-50 pages

Content Editing

[con-tent edit-ing]

Goes above-and-beyond proofreading by focusing not only on grammatical and spelling errors but ensuring style consistency, flow and all other conventions of excellent writing. This is a great option if you want suggestions for your work. We will focus on your subject matter and assist you on taking your work to the next level.

3-5 Days

${{contentEditing.prices.standard.base}} per page 1-49 pages

${{contentEditing.prices.standard.bulk}} per page 50+ pages

24 Hours

${{contentEditing.prices.rapid}} per page 1-25 pages